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by skyblue
16 Aug 2017, 10:21
Forum: 耳機相關產品 Headphone related product
Topic: Harmony Design Ear 903 耳放
Replies: 14
Views: 421393

Re: Harmony Design Ear 903 耳放

友情廣告 : 湖北武漢 ’海音科技’ , 在武漢的燒友可聯系去試聽Ear903, 最好帶上心愛耳機和幾張熟悉的CD片, 我相信他們無恁歡迎。
email : [email protected] 或聯系微信号:haiyintech
by skyblue
14 Aug 2017, 13:19
Forum: 耳機相關產品 Headphone related product
Topic: Harmony Design Ear 903 耳放
Replies: 14
Views: 421393

Re: Harmony Design Ear 903 耳放

機緣巧合, 上週末我帶上Ear903走訪湖北武漢’海音科技’, 現場設備非常高級, 基本上全都是熱門揀手貨, 其中声音印象最深刻的莫過於那套MBL旗䚀CD解碼 …. 簡而言之, 声音真情流露 !! 當日有一張’黃教堂’, 或稱為’麥田之歌’的CD, 八十年代’瑞典宝碟’所録制的其中一張名盤。 此碟没須我推介, 這裡有深入介紹 : 初聽此碟, 通常只留意歌声人數, 人声雄壯與否。 及後有人給我指出錄音之精髓, 主要是合唱團各声部間之統合和諧, 當中男女童稚嫩的声缐配...
by skyblue
14 Aug 2017, 13:18
Forum: 耳機相關產品 Headphone related product
Topic: Harmony Design Ear 903 耳放
Replies: 14
Views: 421393

Re: Harmony Design Ear 903 耳放

Ear903 [巨人國]歷險遊記, 看照片就知 …
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by skyblue
04 Jul 2017, 12:11
Forum: 耳機相關產品 Headphone related product
Topic: Harmony Design Ear 903 耳放
Replies: 14
Views: 421393

Re: Harmony Design Ear 903 耳放

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by skyblue
04 Jul 2017, 12:07
Forum: 耳機相關產品 Headphone related product
Topic: Harmony Design Ear 903 耳放
Replies: 14
Views: 421393

Re: Harmony Design Ear 903 耳放

剛收到最新的Ear903, 趕上幾幅照片, 聽感待續 ….[/size]
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by skyblue
24 May 2017, 17:59
Forum: 耳機相關產品 Headphone related product
Topic: Harmony Design Ear 903 耳放
Replies: 14
Views: 421393

Re: Harmony Design Ear 903 耳放

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by skyblue
24 May 2017, 17:49
Forum: 耳機相關產品 Headphone related product
Topic: Harmony Design Ear 903 耳放
Replies: 14
Views: 421393

Re: Harmony Design Ear 903 耳放

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by skyblue
24 May 2017, 17:44
Forum: 耳機相關產品 Headphone related product
Topic: Harmony Design Ear 903 耳放
Replies: 14
Views: 421393

Re: Harmony Design Ear 903 耳放

剛收到由廠方發來的圖片, 正在進行組裝Ear903最新改良版本, 拍照的光線認真掌握得麻麻, 姑且拿來給大家分享一下, 作為信息更新, 以便了解 ….

對比原先的, 可見到幾處有明顯改動, 包括音頻電路板, DACT 24級步式音控, 和正面板上的4針XLR耳機輸出, 周邊還有其他修正改進, 且不細表。
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by skyblue
30 Dec 2016, 23:19
Forum: 耳機相關產品 Headphone related product
Topic: Harmony Design Ear 903 耳放
Replies: 14
Views: 421393

Re: Harmony Design Ear 903 耳放

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廠方生產多種木塊來配襯機器, 我認為胡桃木配自然鋁色的機箱最合襯, 色調自然得來又高雅, 所以我們主要來貨將會是胡桃木塊這款式。
by skyblue
17 Dec 2016, 20:13
Forum: 耳機相關產品 Headphone related product
Topic: Harmony Design Ear 903 耳放
Replies: 14
Views: 421393

Re: Harmony Design Ear 903 耳放

我不懂德文, 靠Google大神翻譯評測尾後一段 : The Ear 903 fascinates with an incredible clarity and tidiness. All in all, it is very close to ideal, an amplifier without sound , because I can not describe any of the sound picture, that I could clearly assign to the amplifier. That should not mean the sound is boring. ...